Why Does Wood Stove Glass Break?
There are several reasons to cause your wood stove glass break. If you have had your stove a while and the glass eventually breaks, it usually just means it is "wore out". By this I mean over the years do to expansion and contraction, chemicals from the wood and glass cleaners, your glass is continually breaking down. Eventually to a point where it fails and cracks. The next most common reason is do to improper installation. The Ceramic glass should be installed what we call "finger tight". Meaning not loose, but surly not tight. The tendency is to install the glass tightly to get a good seal. But the glass is produced to handle the high temperatures. But by doing this the glass expands very slowly. The stove however is expanding at a much faster rate. Then the glass can get in a bind and increase the pressure on the glass and pop the glass. There also should be a glass gasket installed around the glass edge to protect it. Without the gasket to cushion the ...