
Showing posts with the label lopi cape cod

Lopi Cape Cod Glass

The Lopi Cade Cod woodstove fireplace was discontinued by the manufacturing company. Though it was discontinued, there are still Lopi Cape Cod out there that was released and been purchased by consumers. Here at ,  we help you find the perfect glass & accessories for your home.  Whether it's with a fireplace or wood stove, our experts will help you every step of the way. The Lopi Cape Cod Glass is a high temperature replacement ceramic that is made to OEM specs. Measurements for this product are 21 1/4" x 13 1/4", and the thickness is 3/16". All of our glass is cut in the USA. Specs Glass Type: Ceramic (Pyroceram/Robax) Operating temperature: Up to 760° C / 1,400° F Color: Clear (ceramic glass has a transparent amber tint) Part #:250-02195 High quality ceramic glass made in the USA Replacement glass fits Lopi Cape Cod Glass stove door made to the exact OEM specs Can operate at temperatures up to 760° C / 1,400° F TAPE GASKET ...