
Showing posts with the label nashua stoves

Nashua Stove Glass

  At we also carry the Nashua Stove Glass .  We do not carry any other parts for their stoves.  We are not associated with the company in any way other then carrying the Stove Glass.  This Nashua Wood Stove Glass is a pyroceramic glass.  Able to withstand temperatures of up to 1470 degrees F. We always recommend you measure your glass to make sure that the Glass is correct for you.     "Keeping warm never looked so good. Nashua Fireplace Stoves -woodburners and coalburners- give you more for your money. Clean-line designs with the charm and beauty offered by large glass fireviewing areas are combined with exceptional radiant and powerful forced hot-air heating capabilities. Compare Nashua Fireplace Stoves for quality - the same fine craftsmanship, choice materials and careful attention to detail of every Nashua are evident in these models. So is the Nashua dedication to excellence - to produce coal and woodburning stoves ...